All the latest news from the Ordinary Lifestyles family…
24 February 2022
At Ordinary Lifestyles we have lots of amazing staff. During #youcancare week we recognised some of the brilliant things our staff have done.
Stacey and her team for their support of an individual during a heath emergency. Stacey was quickly on the scene when neighbours alerted us to a crisis. Stacey and the team rearranged their plans to provide support not usually in place both prior to and during a hospital admission.
Sean recently put his first aid skills and initiative to the test, he stayed calm and saved the person he was supporting from choking.
There are lots of examples of great work throughout the pandemic. JG’s team have spent the last two Christmases managing COVID outbreaks in their service. They changed family plans and shifts to make sure JG’s support could continue safely. Other staff who deserve special mentions for their dedication and hard work dealing with various situations arising due to covid are Andy, Annu, Athira, Sharon B, Gillian, Michelle and Vikki.
Our Deputy Manager Nic received a nomination for always being on call throughout the final weeks of an individuals life, going out in the middle of the night, making sure that the team were supported and had everything in place.
Sharon C has supported SA and her daughter for 8 years and is nominated by SA for being “inspirational, hard-working, with a great sense of humour”. Sharon has even volunteered with Social Services to be a temp foster carer for SA’s daughter, if she ever needed to go into hospital. When a team member was on a phased return to work after illness, Sharon worked the first few hours of all her colleagues shifts, which enabled the team to stay together. Sharon “embodies all Ordinary Lifestyles values, especially having fun”!
Well done to all the #youcancare shout outs! There is never a dull moment working as a support worker. At Ordinary Lifestyles our support teams have a wide range of skills and talents including decorating, cooking and baking, gardening, sewing, nail technicians, artists, travel agents / companions, musicians, DJ’s, sing and sign choristers, pantomime producers and so much more. If you can care too why don’t you apply to join our team at Ordinary Lifestyles (click here)
#everydayisdifferent #livingwageemployer #youcancare