Choice and control

John likes to make his own choices

My name is John.  I live in my own flat and have been supported by a team of support workers from Ordinary Lifestyles for almost 18 years. The support workers provide 24 hours support to me.

The staff are really nice and support me to do everything I want to do including shopping, activities, trips, housework… everything – within reason! I have my own mobility vehicle so I can access lots of places and my support workers drive my vehicle when I wish to go out.

I like to have my own space and my own say (I make all of my own choices), and my support workers respect this. I enjoy sleeping, waking up, playing computer games, watching DVD’s, going to concerts and watching Tipping Point and The Chase and programmes like that. I also like painting and art and the colouring of my artwork was the inspiration to Ordinary Lifestyles’ new logo. I was also heavily involved in the design of the leaflet. I love to go on holiday; my holidays are bazzing J (great!)!

I am very happy and the support workers and management of Ordinary Lifestyles are spiffing!